This expression is often reckless and drugs are frequently involved. Unfortunately, the pandemic has spawned a mental health crisis among our country’s teens, and the pressure for freedom has only increased. The Drug Enforcement Agency has reported seizing over 379 million doses of deadly fentanyl in 2022, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The majority of fentanyl is mass-produced in Mexico using chemicals from China. The fentanyl is ending up in many different kinds of pills including speed, oxycodone, ecstasy, Xanax and Adderall. In fact, drug cartels are recruiting teens via handouts and social media to come to the border to transport drugs. State Department and the state of Texas are right to issue travel advisories to certain areas of Mexico, including where Cancun and Los Cabos are located. There is local concern about the drug cartels there, but the travel extends across the border, as fentanyl and fentanyl-laced products flow unfettered into the U.S.