You can update company-wide signatures centrally and our signature software automatically renders all your business email signatures at the right size across all devices. There’s no HTML required and it’s compatible with all email clients including Office 365 and GSuite. For example, in Windows, select File > Options > Mail > Signatures, then click the Email Signature tab. Note: You can have only one signature per account. Under Email signature, type your signature and use the available formatting options to change its appearance. It’s far easier to get all your employee signatures sized right the first time with Rocketseed. Go to Settings > View all Outlook settings > Compose and reply. Re-size as desired by dragging the corners of the image. The image of your digital badge now will appear in the Edit signature text box. It will appear in the File name text box. As you can see, re-sizing signatures and elements like logos can be time-consuming, and will your employees all get it right? From the Insert Picture pop-up window, navigate to your desktop, or wherever you saved the digital badge image, and select it. It’s essential for a professional brand image that your email signature displays at the right size across all devices.

See our best email signature sizes guide for more email banner and signature best practices. Low-quality images will negatively impact you as a whole because of it, making you look unprofessional, so ensure that high-quality images are always a priority, especially when resizing. of images and other html tags so they can create email body dynamically. Low-resolution images may appear blurry or pixelated depending on the resize if not in the optimum format. Also, as per outlook default settings html embedded images are not getting. When resizing any images for your email signature, be careful with quality.